Sharing experiences from the Youth and Human Rights 2 exchange program in Valencia, Spain: Performance of Play by Hazal Bulbul

Sharing experiences from the Youth and Human Rights 2 exchange program in Valencia, Spain: Performance of Play by Hazal Bulbul

This day was one of a kind. I don’t remember laughing this much in my life. The workshop was built on the play “Waiting for Godot”, based in context of the Bosnian War.  We were exploring empathy, and thinking about how through theatre we could 

Sharing experiences from the Youth and Human Rights 2 exchange program in Valencia, Spain: Photography and Human Rights by Halo Bruno

Sharing experiences from the Youth and Human Rights 2 exchange program in Valencia, Spain: Photography and Human Rights by Halo Bruno

On the fourth day of our programme we had an activity in which each of us had to write a word relating to human rights and then exchange it with our pair. We then went to different areas to take pictures expressing the term or